As Akdem Test Center, We Conducted Our 7th Language Proficiency Test of Kuveyt Türk Participation Bank.

As Akdem Test Center, We Conducted Our 7th Language Proficiency Test of Kuveyt Türk Participation Bank.
23 employees of Kuveyt Türk Bank took the Arabic Proficiency Test in Akdemistanbul.
The first stage of the two-staged APT (Arabic Proficiency Test) is a test with 80 questions, and in the second phase, there is a 20 minute verbal test which measures the 3 basic skills -reading, listening and speaking- of language.
The test was conducted face to face under the supervision of Akdem Test Center Coordinator Muhammed Cemal Al HUSAN, Akdemistanbul Corporate Education Coordinator Zeynep SAY and Akdemistanbul Corporate Education Arabic Academic Coordinator Mahmut HUSEYIN.