As Akdem Exam Center, we conducted the ADYS exam for the Aziz Mahmud Hüdayi Foundation

As Akdem Exam Center, we conducted the ADYS exam for the Aziz Mahmud Hüdayi Foundation

We reached an agreement with the Aziz Mahmud Hüdayi Foundation to conduct the Academic Language Assessment and Evaluation Exam for students receiving Arabic education under the Ilam umbrella.

To document the levels of students studying within the foundation, a two-stage exam was conducted for 27 students at the B1 level, with the participation of our Academic Exam Coordinator, Cemal Alhuşan.

After the exam, which consisted of 50 multiple-choice questions, students underwent face-to-face interviews to assess their speaking, listening, and reading skills. Certificates will be awarded to students who achieve success following the evaluation.

As Akdem Exam Center, we remain committed to supporting Arabic language courses and fostering proficiency in Modern Standard Arabic, ensuring students gain a solid foundation for academic success. Our approach integrates Arabic learning with innovative evaluation methods, providing students with a comprehensive and meaningful language education experience.