As Akdem Test Center we carried out the 6th Language Exam for Kuveyt Türk Katılım Bank.

The stuff from 29 persons of the Turkish bank called Kuveyt Türk Katılım Bankası has taken an Arabic Proficiency Testing (APT) in Akdemistanbul.
Akdem Test Center –based in Akdemistanbul, carried out its 6th Arabic Proficiency Testing for the employees of Kuveyt Türk Bank.
The Arabic Proficiency Testing consists from two steps: the first one is written exam with 80 questions, and the second one is oral exam that includes reading, listening, speaking and writing abilities and lasts in 30 minutes.
The exam was held online under supervision of the academic coordinator of Akdem Test Center Muhammed Cemal Al Hushan which also is one of the aouthors of Miftahul-Arabiyye, and Akdemistanbul Corporate Education Arabic Coordinator Zeynep Say.

